BAE Emergency Escape Parachute Maintenance Training

When BAE Systems needed Emergency Escape Parachute Maintenance Training, Key Survival Equipment was happy to oblige.

Utilising our training team’s knowledge of parachute systems and various packing techniques we designed and delivered a module based maintenance course at BAE’s MAI Warton parachute facility. Personnel were re-certified to inspect, maintain and pack these essential life saving parachutes, having passed all the training objectives with flying colours!

The course included initial emergency escape maintenance training and a period of refresher training for previously qualified technicians.

All technicians successfully completed the instructor assessed theory/maintenance practicals, and are looking forward to packing Tornado aircraft emergency escape parachutes in the future.

An emergency escape parachute is an aviation life line, if something goes wrong and the pilot is forced to eject from the aircraft then these one use parachutes MUST work first time!

Find out more about our Training Services here.

Correct maintenance of all equipment plays a key role in any successful ejection.  Training plays a key role in maintenance!

Written by: Key Survival Equipment

Published on: 8 July 2016

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