ALPHA helmet training in Korea

Our training department recently delivered ALPHA (Advanced Lightweight Protective Helmet Aircrew) 900 maintenance training to students from the Republic of Korea Navy.

The course, provided in association with the manufacturer Helmet Integrated Systems Ltd (HISL), was very well received and also marked a first for Key Survival Equipment – some of the training material was delivered in Korean!

Training Manager Ben Kendrick explained “We’ve looked at ways we can make courses more accessible to overseas students, one of the ideas that came up was having the handouts translated into Korean, this made a real difference and was very well received by the students.  It is definitely something we will do a lot more of in the future”.

The course took place at an operational Korean Naval air station, all the students are full-time members of the Korean Navy and specialise in Aircrew Life Support Equipment (ALSE).

“The students all worked incredibly hard and are a real credit to their Squadron” said Ben, “the ALPHA helmets are due to be introduced into service next month, and the successful completion of the training course means the ALSE staff will be ready to go when the ALPHA 900 arrives in Korean service”.

KSE use Tounge Tied (Manchester) Ltd to translate coursework.

Well done to all the Students who successfully gained certification.

Written by: Key Survival Equipment

Published on: 2 December 2015

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